Lukas has already sent us two drafts of his piece which we can't wait to perform, Yiannis is visiting us in Upleadon this month to do a workshop and explore the piece together, we Skyped with Tara last month and fell in love with all her ideas and first draft and Edmund has asked Sarah to record her version of puffin sounds for his piece (I can't wait to hear what she comes up with!). We look forward to hearing from Helen too. Each composer has their own process and for us this is such a big experience!
We are eager to showcase all our new compositions this and next year in as many concerts as possible. I have started a journal of this experience. We do want this to be different to other commissions: we want to be part of the process and work with the composers to develop a voice for our duo.
Animo is a word which describes what we believe in: spirit, purpose, emotion and, I would like to add, the full experience of being creative.
2020 is a year of transformation for Animo! Join us online, in concerts and subscribe to our blog to stay informed.