Following our 'practise like hell' residential in late August, we will be recording our launch programme and up to 10 tracks for our first CD which may very well be called 'A Taste of Animo' - still working on the title...
We will, no doubt, have a lot of photos, videos and a blooper reel to share with all of you - just check out Instagram, YouTube and our website but also SoundCloud (for the more polished recordings).
We are very excited and slightly scared!
We want to be able to sell our CD at our launch event but we also want to evolve as a duo so, much reflection and constructive criticism will take place until our next recording in Spring/Summer 2020 when we hope to be recording our longer repertoire pieces (Dorff's Three Lakes, Uebayashi Sonata, Carl Vine Sonata) as well as newly commissioned pieces by all the talented composers that answered our call for commissioned works to suit our sound.
Our tech genius Adam Bertenshaw is becoming an indispensable part of ANIMO and we hope that he will always be available to record us. We are really grateful to him and his colleagues for supporting our ANIMO project.
Eventually, ANIMO may have live recording sessions. Now that would be scary! but also fun:)